Monday 29 July 2013

What Can Diabetics Eat

Are you a diabetic who hasn’t yet found the answer to the question “what can diabetics eat?” If so, then this article is for you. Many diabetics who’ve had the disease for several years are still unable to figure out the right diet plan to ensure that they get all the right nutrients, while also maintaining their blood sugar levels. This is not due to the fact that there aren’t proper guidelines as to diet plans, but the fact that the majority of diabetics do not make an attempt to try and work on their dietary requirements. This is a grave mistake as diabetes may not only be caused by other medical conditions such as obesity, but it may also lead to other medical complications if not controlled.
This article will cover all the basics of diabetes and recommended foods so that you can start controlling your blood sugar levels with good results.

Diabetes and blood sugar levels

Diabetes is primarily caused as a result of the pancreas producing little or no insulin. So why is this important? It is this insulin that helps the glucose in the blood to move into the cells that require them, in your body. When the amount of insulin is low, the glucose tends to be concentrated in the blood stream – the reason why blood tests reveal glucose levels. This glucose is the by-product of the process of metabolism in our bodies.
Blood sugar levels can either be normal, slightly below/above normal, or in the worst case, can go to one of the two extremes, resulting in either hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) or hypoglycemia (very low blood sugar levels). While the former condition could have an effect on the brain and other organs, hypoglycemia could result in blindness or could lead to limbs being amputated. This is exactly why you need to always check your blood glucose levels at regular intervals.

Type of diabetes vs. what can diabetics eat?

There are three main types of diabetes; two are chronic while the other is generally temporary. You need to understand what type of diabetes you have in order to determine which foods are right for you.
While Type 1 diabetes requires insulin to be administered, Type 2 diabetes generally doesn’t require insulin for treatment; normal medication should suffice. You need to consider your diet in line with the medication/insulin you take as you need to find a balance.
The third type, gestational diabetes, generally occurs during pregnancy and is temporary.

Different diabetes diet plans

It’s always best to have a guideline when it comes to choosing food for your daily meals. This is why there are a few different types of diet plans that are available for diabetics.
  1. The calorie diet/ counting carbs – This diet helps you watch the intake of carbohydrates by specifying which foods are high in carbs and which foods don’t contain a high level of carbohydrates. Examples include the 1200-calorie diet, the 1600-calorie diet and the 1800-calorie diet.
  2. The plate system – In this method you are encouraged to divide your plate into four quarters and then decide what portions of each type of food you wish to have to give you a balanced, nutritious meal.
  3. The food pyramid – The food pyramid classifies food into six different groups based on the amount of nutrients and carbohydrates they contain, with four different levels to help you choose the right combination of food from each group.
  4. The diabetes exchange list – This method recommends food items that could be substituted for another in the same group due to similar carbohydrate content.
Once you choose one of these methods to follow, you then need to understand what food you can eat, and what food you need to avoid.

What you CAN eat as diabetic

Fruits – There are many different types of fruit that are good for diabetics. These fruits include apricots, peaches, figs, apples, avocado and all kinds of berries, to name a few. It’s best that you limit consumption of fruits like bananas and mangoes however.
Fruits are generally rich in carbohydrates, but most of these are low-carb and are also packed with essential vitamins and minerals. You need to keep away from dried fruits and canned fruit in syrup.
Vegetables – When choosing vegetables, you always need to go for those that are non-starchy. Examples of such vegetables include broccoli, Brussels sprout, mushrooms, tomatoes, onions, beets and most greens. You would want to keep away from starchy vegetables like potatoes and yams.
Starchy food – What would generally fall into this category are items such as rice, pasta, bread and other similar foods. Anything made out of white flour is not good for you, but you can use whole-wheat products as a substitute.
Dairy products – Ensure that all dairy products you consume are fat-free or low-fat. You must have dairy products in your diet as it gives you the calcium that you require. Examples include milk, yoghurt and cheese.
Meat and others – Poultry products are best eaten skinless as they would contain less fat. All types of fish and seafood can also be incorporated into your diet. Additionally products like eggs are also important. Meat products must be consumed after cutting off any fat. Examples include beef, pork, turkey, organ meats and even hot dogs.
Always ensure that the food you consume is low in sodium content and fats.

Exercise, medication and rest

Always keep in mind that while it’s vital that you eat right, this alone will not help you keep your blood sugar levels under control. You also need to get a good amount of sleep each night, and get rid of anything that triggers stress. These are factors that greatly contribute to high blood sugar levels.
You also need to visit your doctor often to ensure that the medication prescribed is actually working.

If you follow the guidelines mentioned above, the question as to what can diabetics eat should no longer be a problem.

Diabetes Food List - Healthy Eating for Type 2 Diabetes

What is a diabetes food list?
Being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes is a life-changing event. One of the main challenges is making changes in your diet.
One of the first questions that almost every patient diagnosed with type 2 diabetes asks is "What am I supposed to eat now?"
What you eat is a very important part of maintaining blood sugars in the target range
If a type 2 diabetic has no idea what to eat, being able to control blood sugar levels will be near impossible.
The goal in treating type 2 diabetes successfully is to make lifestyle changes.
My strategy when explaining diet is to keep it simple.
Your mindset should be one of adapting changes that enhance your lifestyle. Find something that works well for you.
There are a lot of websites out there on the Internet touting one diet or another. Some even speak about being able to "reverse type 2 diabetes."
Recently, the American Diabetes Association made some changes that make it easier for a newly diagnosed diabetic to get into action.
Do diabetes food lists really work?
In the past there was a lot of talk about 'diabetes food lists'. Diabetes food lists were thought of as restrictive. It's not likely that a patient is going to follow such a diet for a long time.
The fact is that the foods on a diabetes food list will work for anyone who is committed to a healthy lifestyle.
A diabetes food list helps people living with diabetes understand foods that help maintain the blood sugars within the target range. They will also help to reduce hyperglycemia.
There is a ton of information out there about what makes up a diabetes food list. It's OK to follow these. But I recommend just using them as a guideline that will help you to adapt healthy food choices.
Here are some of the current recommendations on how to eat healthy while living with type 2 diabetes:
Create your plate
The American Diabetes Association recently did away with the diabetes food pyramid and adapted the "create your plate." This is a strategy that makes it less overwhelming for someone just diagnosed with type 2 diabetes to get straight into action planning healthy meals.
So here are the steps to create a plate:
  • Take a standard sized dinner plate.
  • Divide it into three sections. Start by dividing in half. Then divide one of the halves in two. There you have three sections. Since it is divided into three sections, one section will be larger.
  • On the larger section of the plate, place you non-starchy vegetables such as broccoli, greens, lettuce, spinach, cucumbers, tomatoes etc.
  • On one of the smaller sections, place your starchy foods like rice (preferably brown rice), grains, corn, pasta, beans etc.
  • On the other small section place a serving of meat or a meat substitute such as turkey, chicken, fish etc.
  • On the side you may add an 8 oz. serving of milk. Or if you are lactose intolerant like a number of adults are, you can have some almond, soy or coconut milk. Water also works just fine.
  • Then a small serving of fruit. Preferably fresh fruit.
You have created your plate
Carbohydrate Counting
One of the important strategies for a person living with type 2 diabetes is to know the amount of sugars they are eating. This will help to reduce the complication of hyperglycemia.
Up till the mid 1990s, carbohydrates were touted as being bad for anyone with diabetes. Now we know that to not entirely be the case. Naturally everything, including carbohydrates, must be eaten in moderation.
A great tool is carbohydrate counting or "carb counting" as it is popularly called.
The strategy is to round up the total amount of carbohydrates that you are allowed in a day. And divide this equally among your meals - including snacks.
One of the advantages of carbohydrate counting is that it reduces the tendency for the blood sugar levels to fluctuate. This helps to prevent huge swings in insulin levels that could lead to fluctuations in blood sugar levels.
If you plan to use carbohydrate counting exclusively, then you may need the assistance of a nutritionist. They will help to customize a meal plan for you.
A good place to start is between 45-60 grams of carbohydrates per day.
Remember that carbohydrates are in starchy foods like breads, grains and pasta. They are also in fruits and vegetables, milk products.
Reading food labels makes it easier to measure how much carbohydrates you are getting in a meal.
What are Diabetes Super Foods?
The American Diabetes Association has a list of ten super foods that it recommends. I love the way that certain foods get tagged as "super foods."
Just as I like to point out, these "super foods" should be a part of the diet of anyone looking to live healthy.
The added benefit for a diabetic is that these foods help to give extra nutrients and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium. In addition they also contain powerful antioxidants.
These super foods help to not only control blood sugar levels. But also maintain the health of the cell membranes.
So here are the top ten super foods that everyone should be eating:
  • Berries of all kinds (blueberries, strawberries, raspberries etc.)
  • Dark leafy vegetables- such as spinach, kale and asparagus
  • Beans- all varieties. Beans are high in fiber and low in glycemic index
  • Fish particularly fish that is rich in omega 3 sources such as salmon, herring, sardines
  • Fat free milk & yoghurt
  • Nuts
  • Tomatoes
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Whole grains that have not been processed
  • Citrus fruits
This is by no means an exhaustive list of all the healthy ways to eat as a diabetic.
It is my hope that this article will answer the question, 'What am I supposed to eat?'
Dr Eno Nsima-Obot is a board certified Internal Medicine as well as a trained life coach by an ICF accredited program. She brings over 15 years of experience to the health and wellness industry. Her passion for helping people living with diabetes experience a healthy life and avoid complications from this disease, motivated her to write a book on this issue. Written in an easy to read patient centered format, this book is bound to create a more empowered life for anyone currently living with diabetes. Download a copy of her FREE e-book Dr. Eno's Guide to Living Powerfully With Type 2 Diabetes
Article Source:,_MD